Teleflora's Sunny Day Pitcher of Cheer


Three cheers for sunny yellow! A happy pick for men and women, old and young, this sweet, summery arrangement of yellow and white flowers is delivered in our signature Sunny Day Pitcher - a keepsake piece that's perfect for lemonade and barbecues later on!

  • Yellow gerbera daisies, roses, alstroemeria and carnations are mixed with white monte cassino asters and green variegated pittosporum in Teleflora's yellow ceramic Sunny Day Pitcher.

  • Orientation: All-Around

SUBSTITUTION POLICY – Always deliver the freshest flowers!

Please note the bouquet pictured reflects our original design.  If the exact flowers or container in this arrangement are not available, we will create a beautiful bouquet with the freshest available flowers.

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Three cheers for sunny yellow! A happy pick for men and women, old and young, this sweet, summery arrangement of yellow and white flowers is delivered in our signature Sunny Day Pitcher - a keepsake piece that's perfect for lemonade and barbecues later on!

  • Yellow gerbera daisies, roses, alstroemeria and carnations are mixed with white monte cassino asters and green variegated pittosporum in Teleflora's yellow ceramic Sunny Day Pitcher.

  • Orientation: All-Around

SUBSTITUTION POLICY – Always deliver the freshest flowers!

Please note the bouquet pictured reflects our original design.  If the exact flowers or container in this arrangement are not available, we will create a beautiful bouquet with the freshest available flowers.

Three cheers for sunny yellow! A happy pick for men and women, old and young, this sweet, summery arrangement of yellow and white flowers is delivered in our signature Sunny Day Pitcher - a keepsake piece that's perfect for lemonade and barbecues later on!

  • Yellow gerbera daisies, roses, alstroemeria and carnations are mixed with white monte cassino asters and green variegated pittosporum in Teleflora's yellow ceramic Sunny Day Pitcher.

  • Orientation: All-Around

SUBSTITUTION POLICY – Always deliver the freshest flowers!

Please note the bouquet pictured reflects our original design.  If the exact flowers or container in this arrangement are not available, we will create a beautiful bouquet with the freshest available flowers.