Teleflora's Hold Me Close Bouquet


Make it a special day! This passionate bouquet of lovely lilies and radiant roses, artfully arranged in our pretty pink vase, is one she'll hold close to her heart forever.

  • Includes red roses, pink asiatic lilies, pink alstroemeria, miniature red carnations, pink waxflower and lush pittosporum.

  • Delivered in Teleflora's Bunch vase.

  • Orientation: All-Around

SUBSTITUTION POLICY – Always deliver the freshest flowers!

Please note the bouquet pictured reflects our original design.  If the exact flowers or container in this arrangement are not available, we will create a beautiful bouquet with the freshest available flowers.

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Make it a special day! This passionate bouquet of lovely lilies and radiant roses, artfully arranged in our pretty pink vase, is one she'll hold close to her heart forever.

  • Includes red roses, pink asiatic lilies, pink alstroemeria, miniature red carnations, pink waxflower and lush pittosporum.

  • Delivered in Teleflora's Bunch vase.

  • Orientation: All-Around

SUBSTITUTION POLICY – Always deliver the freshest flowers!

Please note the bouquet pictured reflects our original design.  If the exact flowers or container in this arrangement are not available, we will create a beautiful bouquet with the freshest available flowers.

Make it a special day! This passionate bouquet of lovely lilies and radiant roses, artfully arranged in our pretty pink vase, is one she'll hold close to her heart forever.

  • Includes red roses, pink asiatic lilies, pink alstroemeria, miniature red carnations, pink waxflower and lush pittosporum.

  • Delivered in Teleflora's Bunch vase.

  • Orientation: All-Around

SUBSTITUTION POLICY – Always deliver the freshest flowers!

Please note the bouquet pictured reflects our original design.  If the exact flowers or container in this arrangement are not available, we will create a beautiful bouquet with the freshest available flowers.