Teleflora's Golden Laughter Bouquet
As joyful as the laughter of a good friend, this mood-lifting mix of yellow roses and white lilies is artistically arranged in our exclusive Color Splash cube for a look that's modern and playful. What a stylish way to make someone's day!
This cheerful bouquet features yellow roses, white asiatic lilies, white carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, seeded eucalyptus, dusty miller and leatherleaf fern.
Delivered in a Teleflora Color Splash cube.
Orientation: All-Around
SUBSTITUTION POLICY – Always deliver the freshest flowers!
Please note the bouquet pictured reflects our original design. If the exact flowers or container in this arrangement are not available, we will create a beautiful bouquet with the freshest available flowers.
As joyful as the laughter of a good friend, this mood-lifting mix of yellow roses and white lilies is artistically arranged in our exclusive Color Splash cube for a look that's modern and playful. What a stylish way to make someone's day!
This cheerful bouquet features yellow roses, white asiatic lilies, white carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, seeded eucalyptus, dusty miller and leatherleaf fern.
Delivered in a Teleflora Color Splash cube.
Orientation: All-Around
SUBSTITUTION POLICY – Always deliver the freshest flowers!
Please note the bouquet pictured reflects our original design. If the exact flowers or container in this arrangement are not available, we will create a beautiful bouquet with the freshest available flowers.
As joyful as the laughter of a good friend, this mood-lifting mix of yellow roses and white lilies is artistically arranged in our exclusive Color Splash cube for a look that's modern and playful. What a stylish way to make someone's day!
This cheerful bouquet features yellow roses, white asiatic lilies, white carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, seeded eucalyptus, dusty miller and leatherleaf fern.
Delivered in a Teleflora Color Splash cube.
Orientation: All-Around
SUBSTITUTION POLICY – Always deliver the freshest flowers!
Please note the bouquet pictured reflects our original design. If the exact flowers or container in this arrangement are not available, we will create a beautiful bouquet with the freshest available flowers.