Hey Gorgeous Bouquet
Luxe and lovely, lavender roses have a way of making them feel extra special. This decadent two dozen is mixed with delicate greens in a classic glass vase.
This gorgeous bouquet includes 24 lavender roses, oregonia, and lemon leaf.
Delivered in a glass gathering vase.
Orientation: All-Around
SUBSTITUTION POLICY – Always deliver the freshest flowers!
Please note the bouquet pictured reflects our original design. If the exact flowers or container in this arrangement are not available, we will create a beautiful bouquet with the freshest available flowers.
Luxe and lovely, lavender roses have a way of making them feel extra special. This decadent two dozen is mixed with delicate greens in a classic glass vase.
This gorgeous bouquet includes 24 lavender roses, oregonia, and lemon leaf.
Delivered in a glass gathering vase.
Orientation: All-Around
SUBSTITUTION POLICY – Always deliver the freshest flowers!
Please note the bouquet pictured reflects our original design. If the exact flowers or container in this arrangement are not available, we will create a beautiful bouquet with the freshest available flowers.
Luxe and lovely, lavender roses have a way of making them feel extra special. This decadent two dozen is mixed with delicate greens in a classic glass vase.
This gorgeous bouquet includes 24 lavender roses, oregonia, and lemon leaf.
Delivered in a glass gathering vase.
Orientation: All-Around
SUBSTITUTION POLICY – Always deliver the freshest flowers!
Please note the bouquet pictured reflects our original design. If the exact flowers or container in this arrangement are not available, we will create a beautiful bouquet with the freshest available flowers.